Wednesday 24 April 2013

ROLLS ROYCE - 22 04 13

LOVE that lady in the supermarket. 

We tour Sainsburys with Axel perched in our trolley. A 10 year old non-verbal Autistic boy in a trolley, I often get asked if I know what I'm doing. Am told it's not safe don'tcha know? I gently explain this is super-safe compared to letting him out and thank them for their concern. Sometimes, in my fantasy head, I punch them anyway.

Part of our tour of the big Sainsburys includes going to the bakery section to scavenge for the toasted sunflower seeds and poppy seeds that fall off of the rolls. Axel loves them but not the roll. We use the plastic bags to be hygienic. The staff lady puzzled over what we were doing. I explained and excused us. She looked more puzzled for a moment and queried why we had so few. I explained there weren't many today. 'Nonsense', she said and shook the tray with such enthusiasm, removed the rolls and poured the biggest plunder of seeds we've ever had into a bag. Axel was beside himself with happiness. LOVE HER.

Thank you staff lady of Sainsburys.

Back home and Aurora's singing.

Happy days.

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